Perspectives in defining ‘hearing loss’ and its consequences

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Stephens, D.
Hearing, Balance and Communication, 11(1), 6-16.
Publication year: 2013

Parental reported benefits and shortcomings of cochlear implantation: Pilot study findings from Southeast Asia

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Chundu, S., Manchaiah V.K.C., Stephens D., & Kumar, N.
Cochlear Implant International, 14(1), 22-27.
Publication year: 2013

Managing Disability Housing and Related Support: An exploratory study in South-Wales

Manchaiah, V.K.C.
Thesis towards ‘Executive – Masters in Business Administration (E-MBA)’, School of Business and Economics, Swansea University, Swansea, UK.
Publication year: 2013

Life consequences and positive experiences reported by communication partners of person with hearing impairment: A pilot study

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Stephens, D.
Speech, Language & Hearing, 16(1), 2-8.
Publication year: 2013

Exploring cross-cultural differences and similarities in attitudes towards hearing help seeking and uptake of hearing aids

Conference Presentation
Manchaiah, V.K.C.
Cross-cultural Communication, Bristol (United Kingdom), February 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Evaluating the process of change: Studies on patient journey, hearing disability acceptance and stages-of-change

Manchaiah, V.K.C.
Thesis towards ‘Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Disability Research’, The Swedish Institute for Disability Research (SIDR), Linköping University, Sweden. | ISBN: 978-91-7519-534-6
Publication year: 2013

Defining hearing loss and its consequences

Conference Presentation
Manchaiah, V.K.C.
British Society of Hearing Aid Audiology (BSHAA) Congress 2013, Nottingham (UK), May 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Communication partners’ journey through their partner’s hearing impairment

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C., Stephens, D. & Lunner, T.
International Journal of Otolaryngology, 1-11.
Publication year: 2013

Audiological practices in India: An internet-based survey of audiologists

Conference Presentation
Boothalingam, S., Easwar, V., Boothalingam, S., Chundu, S., Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Ismail, S.M.
Annual Convention of Indian Speech Language and Hearing Association (ISHA Con - 2013), Chennai (India), February 2013.
Publication year: 2013

Audiological practices in India: An internet-based survey of audiologists

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Easwar, V., Boothalingam, S., Chundu, S., Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Ismail, S.M.
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 65(3), 636-644. doi: 10.1007/s12070-013-0674-2
Publication year: 2013

Use of patient journey model in the internet-based pre-fitting counseling program

Conference Presentation
Manchaiah, V.K.C.
Internet and Audiology (FAS-IT) Conference 2012, Linköping (Sweden), October 2012.
Publication year: 2012

The role of communication partners in the audiological enablement/rehabilitation of a person with hearing impairment: An overview

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C., Stephens D, Zhao, F. & Kramer, S.E.
Audiological Medicine, 10(1), 21-30.
Publication year: 2012

The patient journey of adults with sudden-onset acquired hearing impairment: A pilot study

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Stephens, D.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 126(5), 475-481.
Publication year: 2012

Storytelling in different cultural context: Applications to hearing loss public awareness campaign

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Zhao, F.
Journal of Behavioral Health, 1(4), 322-329.
Publication year: 2012

Professor Dafydd Stephens 1942-2012

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah VKC & Zhao, F.
International Journal of Audiology, 51(10), 714-714.
Publication year: 2012

Professor Dafydd Stephens (1942-2012) Pioneer in the field of Audiology and audiological medicine

Trade Journal/Magazine
Manchaiah, V.K.C. & Zhao, F.
BAA Magazine, 25, 34-35.
Publication year: 2012

Positive experiences associated with hearing and balance disorders

Conference Presentation
Manchaiah, V.K.C.
Audiology Cymru 2012, Cardiff (UK), June 2012.
Publication year: 2012

Music exposure and hearing health education: A review of knowledge, attitude and behavior in adolescents and young adults

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Zhao, F., French, D., Manchaiah, V.K.C., Liang, M. & Price S.
Health Education Journal, 71(6), 709-724.
Publication year: 2012

Information about the prognosis given to sudden-sensorineural hearing loss patients: Implications to ‘patient journey’ process

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C., Stephens D. & Lunner, T.
Audiological Medicine, 10, 109-113.
Publication year: 2012

Health behaviour change in hearing healthcare: A discussion paper

Peer-Reviewed Journal
Manchaiah, V.K.C.
Audiology Research, 2(e4), 12-16.
Publication year: 2012